Original Characters (OCs)
Maggie and Ian
I have alot of OC ( Original Characters) when I sit down and think about it, but Maggie and Ian are one of my favorite couples among them. This is them older (21-23) I usually draw them around the age of 15 or 16, I'll talk more about them later but this is just intro to what they look like...
Candytober and Candee
So, I know I haven't been on here a while I was busy being in despair with DangaronpaV3 (which is great btw). Since it's October, you know that means....if you're just a regular person that means Halloween and Trick or Treating, but for the more artsy people (or anyone who on the internet alot) it means Inktober or Goretober (if you wanna be edgy). Inktober is a daily challange in the month October for all artist to make a ink based drawing based on the theme of day, since each day has a theme. Goretober's the same but with more blood and guts and red.
As a young artist I want to take part in the festivities, but I don' t have the confidence with drawing with a pen. I know I could just digital use the ink pen tool, but I'm not even confidence with that. Also, I know that I could just do a sketch in pencil in then do the lineart in pen, but that wouldn't feel genuine to me.
So, I'm on twitter alot I follow other artist who are taking part of Inktober because their skills are amazing, while I do enjoy the pieces that they make I start to feel like I'm really missing out of the fun. I started to get depressed, but then I got an idea. Earlier this year, I wanted to make a character for the Body animation meme, I've always wanted to make more dark stuff, but I didn't want to make it too dark. So, I decided to do candy gore instead, but I never really got around to doing the body meme, but the idea of character made out of candy stayed in my mind.
So, back to the whole missing out of Inktober situation, I was still feeling down, so I started drawing. Since, It's October I decided to look at some pictures of candy, that's when the candy character idea came back to me, and I actually decided to do it this time. I looked up a bunch of pics of the candy to get inspiration, looked at some candy sculptures, and finally Candee, was born! I even got a story for her
Candee is a candy zombie-frank stein hybrid, who lives in candyland, you know where humans and candy people live together in harmony. When Candee was young she got sick alot and she was always in pain alot, her father was a human and candy person doctor/scientist he loved his daugther so much, since his wife passed away after giving birth to her. Determind to let his daugther live, her father made a machine that would transfer his soul energy to her, he would as need to some candy parts for extra energy (which he had made or may not have gotten from the place where they store bodies in hospitals or some mortuaries). When he completed his task, he was dead of course but before that he left a note to Candee that explained everything. Once Candee awoke she had barely any memories of her sickly childhood, she was sadden by the death of her father but made sure to live her life to the fullest in his honor. Oh, I also forgot to mention Candee's father made it so that she no longer feels pain, when she's hurt only pleasure, and she can regenerate her body parts if they ever fall off and she can heal herself with extra candy.
Candee is a Cheerful, Happy-go lucky girl for the most part, even though she's kind of an outcast of the land because she's half human and candy. She's very fun-loving since she couldn't go outside when she was younger due to her illness she loves to go out, Candee does have friends who enjoy her quirky personality. They got on adventures all the time and hangout together. Even though Candee does look a teenager she still has a mind ofa child, so she can be naive at times. She's always willing to help out other people in need much like her father did, and Oh, I almost forgot sometime when she runs into a person who's just plain mean, she get mad and looses her cool, and eats the person when on ones around... (yeah, she's a bit of a cannibal but she's only eats candy people not humans). When she does eat someone she leaves to tracks behind, usually the person's bad anyways so no one really bats an eye once they're gone. Candee really likes candy alot, she probably likes more that most of the people in Candyland.
That's all I got for her backstory so far, I may add on to it later. Now, with creation of Candee wanted to draw her more, and then I got another great idea. Since, I can't take part in Inktober I'll make my own daily challenge thing, so I made Candytober!
Candytober (Like Inktober and Goretober) isa challenge in the month of October for each day, I make a drawing involving Candee and different candy(or sweet) of the day. The name's kind of odd, but that's all I could think at the moment and no one was using the hashtag so it's kind of all mine at the moment. I kind started late because I missed 9 days but I'll make it up in the first week of the next month...
Here's the two I've already done....
Day 9 BubbleGum
Day 10 Lolipop
Tomorrow's theme for day 11 will probably be chocolate, I just google search candy and whatever results come up first images in the one I do...
Well, that's all I have to talk about for now