
It all comes down to the ending



Ending, Finales, Big Finishes, Conclusions,whatever you call it an ending is an ending. It's the most important part of the story, an ending is suppose to tie up all the lose ends, leaving the viewer satisfied. Well.. at least that's what they're suppose to do anyways..

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In my absence I've been playing two games with very controversial and  recent (at least at the time I'm typing this). DanganronpaV3 and Mario Odyssey both great games (in my humble opinion). DangaronpaV3 is the third installment in the visual novel series about teenagers participating in a school killing game, while Mario Odyssey is the most recent installment in the Mario franchise. On the surface, these games don't have much in common beside both coming from Japan and both being highly praised (mostly). The one thing they do share is a ending that people either like or hate depending on who you're talking to.  Let's start off with the most controversial one of the two Dangaronpa.


Like I said before Danganronpa V3 is visual novel game about highschool students participating in a school killing game. The  first two games have a certain pattern like certain characters dying in certain chapters, and certain amount of characters die in certain chapters, and they both had a overall of theme hope and despair, and also they always ends with a epic battle between hope and despair. By the end of the second game fans started to get in the rhythm of things. The first game ended with the characters finding out that the world has fell into chaos while they were being trapped in the school. In the next game, with a new cast they learn that the whole game was actually a simulation the whole time. with endings like these there was pretty big hype train going around for the next game. When some promo art dropped for V3  people started speculating about stuff, making character analysis, figure out how was going to death and how and when and how the mastermind was they was leading the killing game this time.


 For the past two games the mastermind was the same girl both times and some fans were getting very annoyed with his trope. There was another rumor going around that this game was going to be a re-boot instead of  a squeal. which help assure the fact that, the mastermind would  be totally different this time. As more and more info about the game came out the more people were excited. The game came to Japan first, and some people just watch other play an unofficial let's play of the game. Most including myself even though some people (kind of ) already knew the ending of the game (mostly they knew about the death scenes) the hype was still strong. Finally, on Spet 27 the game came out to North America, I'm not going to go through the game in full detail, just the ending. 


The characters slows find out about the previous killing games and started to catch on to what's going on. The big plot twist was that one of the characters who's know for cosplays and can't cosplay real people without getting a rash, turned out to be the mastermind. she then turn into the previous mastermind. She also revealed that the whole game even the last two were all fictions and all the characters we're fictional characters on a reality tv show  and the whole outside was actually super peaceful. The viewers watching the show (and playing the game) were the mastermind because they're the ones who can't wait for the next installment and the ones who get over obsessed with this fiction. The mastermind also points out that the characters all tired out to be in the game show (that has been going on for 53 seasons) and all the character were just boring average everyday people before they got brainwashed and had false memories  implanted into them. All the characters when to the final trial expect to beat it with hope, but the mastermind if that happens the killing game will start again because that's what the people want. The characters decide that they won't side with hope or despair, they just want to end the killing game. So, they refuse to take part in the trail and even refuse to vote for the mastermind. The audience so realize that making people kill each other is wrong especially for entertainment and leave.  One of the characters whose a robot and was being a surgote for the audience is finally free to do what he wanted in first place and proceeds to destroy the school along with the mastermind, himself and the 3 survivors in it.

The epilogue shows that the 3 survivors made it out alive. They see a huge light before them where the school once stood, and they decide to go through it to see what the outside world has for them, even though  the mastermind said they had no hope left and no family outside or friends left to meet them. The ending is left opened, the player doesn't get to see what on the other side of the huge light, it all left up to interpretation.


A lot fans got mad at the ending, saying the game was insulting it's fanbase by calling them shallow, heartless, and uncaring people. How this ending made the whole series pointless, and they regret every getting this involved with the series. Some even claim IF another game comes out they aren't going to even pick it up.

But I don't think the ending was making  for fun of the fanbase as a whole, it was more making fun of the people who take too seriously. There are certain type of fans in every fanbase (who are usually young) that love their medium a little to much, they love it so much it becomes like a drug to them. Every time they see their fave character they get a mini high for it, they want everyone to know how great this character and the whole fandom and series is. They tell everyone they met about the series in hopes that they become a (rabid) fan as well. Some of the them even ship the characters together and make fanfiction of their dates and romantic adventures, and if anyone dare to say that they're ship is overrated or non-canon or so-so ship is way better than yours. The so-called "hater" will be harassed and berated.                                                                                          The rabid fan will also claim that the character is theirs and theirs alone by calling them my baby or my child (as if they had a role in the character's making). Sometimes the passion for the character will be so strong that they even fall in love with the character and don't want anyone else to have them.  These type of fans also feel like the original creator actually owns them, if everything doesn't go their way, the fan will get upset and rant about how disappointing and bad  the series is. The long time rabid fans will even feel like they have seniority over the newecomers and will make fun of them if they haven't be expose to all the series has to offer. The ending was trying to remind this over-obsessed fans that this is all fictional and this is just game, and they should take it so seriously.

I also think that the ending doesn't make the whole game series pointless. Like what someone sad the Danganronpa reddit, the game wasn't pointless because it made people feel something. The characters keep fighting even after they knew the game was fiction because the killing game and deaths all meant something. The reason why there are 53 in game seasons and 4 games in the series is because that the characters meant something to people. If it didn't then the game series would haven't gotten this big cult following. 


I have my own theory about the ending that sorta kind of contradicts the true ending, but here goes....I like to think after the survivors go through the light, they are greet by all their friends how they thought passed away, but they'er completely fine and they have the same personalities as they did in the killing game as they remembered them, along with all their family and friends in a peaceful world. It's cheesy I know, but this game's theme is truth and lies the mastermind could have been lying about the whole no hope thing, and there's nothing left for them outside thing. Well, that's all for Danganronpa now on to Mario Odyssey 


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Mario Odyssey is the latest in the Mario series, it about Mario going around different kingdoms to collect moons to power his ship so he can save princess peach from getting married to Bowser. The play-style is like Sunshine and Mario 64, the game is fun, bright and has bunch of colorful characters.  You wouldn't think a game like this would have a controversial ending but it does. At the end of the game after you collect almost all the moon, Mario has to go to the moon where Bowser plans to marry Peach. Once Mario defends Bowser and Peach is safe, Mario offers Peach a pretty white flower for her hand in marriage, but Bowser shoves Mario aside and offers a bouquet of piranha plant. They both fight for Peach's love, and Peach huffs and walks away and rejects them both. She then takes Mario's ship back home to the castle and offers Mario a ride along, Mario happily accepts and the story ends.


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Most people (at least I like to think) found this ending cute, and where happy for Peach finally standing up for herself, but some people felt jibbed. After all that screaming and yelling for  Mario's help and after all the stuff Mario went through to get to Peach, just to end up being rejected by her. These same people think that his makes Peach a hoe, b#@# and that she isn't loyal. There's even an article that claims this ending made one feminist become a Male right activist. I guess just like the Danagaronpa ending people were expecting Peach and Mario to get married. I think the out rage for this ending is ridiculous because after you beat the story mode, it's shown that Peach left the castle to go on her own adventure. Peach says herself that she  liked all the places she went with Bowsers, but now wants to explore them on her own with Cappy's sister by her side. Similar to Mario's adventure.  

Me personality I like this ending. I've always liked princess Peach since I was little and I always appericate when she stands up for herself, fights along side Mario, and takes action. (like in the paper mario games). I think in this game Peach is similar to her Paper Mario counterpart. 

People also argue and complain why peach doesn't fight Bowser off. Even though Peach is way smaller than Bowser, and even though someone can say "Mario's even smaller!" but Mario's stronger than Peach.  I also have my own thing where with each Mario game it's a different Peach.

Well, as you can see ending are very important people it can change how people feel about a series as whole, and make some stuff feel more important than others. But the most important thing to remember at the end of the day is that ending are just endings. This stories are fiction, it's okay to enjoy them to a certain point, but just don't get to wrapped up into them.