Blog Related things

Blog Update: Trying to get better



I haven't been able to update this blog like I wanted to and that's most due to me trying to find a job, and dealing with alot of what I like to call BIG DOUBT. I've been feeling a bit discouraged lately in my skills, especially they're being assessed that just makes feel like I'm not good enough, or that it's too late for me to turns things around and get back to blogging and posting regularly like I used to.

I just get really frustrated with myself, but that frustration just makes me double down on not posting because I feel like a trying to play catch up, but at the same time I feel like I'll never be able to catch up.

BUT I REALLY want to post more because I like having a blog, a space to call my own. I don't want to feel like I can't come back to this place because I failed to meet a standard that I made up, it's not like the audience who does read this blog are foaming at the mouth for another post, or are rude or curt to me in any way. Most people I have talked to who have read my blog are pretty nice and understanding, its just my own inner voice that's the problem.

I REALLY don't want to give up on posting, so I'm going to try to post a new post on at least ONE of my blog here on Typepad at least once every two weeks. I want to work up to post every week. I'm going to post about something, even if it is something kind of small or weird, or something someone has already done a 5-hour YouTube video about, I just want to write something!


I just want to write something....


Eating: Nothing...  Listening: Chillhop Nujabes Comp  Last Played: BG3 (Finally beat that Nere dude oof) Worried Abt: Getting A Job, Maintaing A Consistant Blogging Schedule
Drinking: Nothing..  Last Watched: Agatha All Along  Mood: weary but determined Last Read: Sinceration (a story that a discord homie is working on)


Thanks for the Comments!

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    I've had a few comments on my blog for a while, but I didn't get the idea to reply to them until now. Since Typepad's way of replying to comments is weird and I'm not sure how often people check typepad for comments, I've decided to email people thank yous for commenting instead, if you're not cool with me emailing you than let me know. The reason why it took so long for me to response to comments is well, one, Typepad's way of replying is kind of nonexsitence and I really didn't know if people would actually care, or liked that I replied back, but then I thought about it and was like "Well, if they made the effort to comment and read my blog post, then they wouldn't mind if I replied back to them, if they didn't care about my blog post they wouldn't have made a comment in the first place". So from now on, I'm going to try to response to every comment I get through email, even if its just a thank you comment.

Thank you all for those who have left comments on my blog, your kind words mean lot to me, I've never would have thought anyone would actually care about what I had to say, and sometimes I  get discourage from making blog post due to my dyslexia and anxiety, so knowing that people care to read means so much..

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Until next time later days~

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