Art Log

Artist's Log #1: Okay Lets Do THIS!

Eating: Nothing....

Listening to: 🌿CANOPY GROWTH🌿 // Jungle Vaporwave Music Mix

Last Played: Rain Code

Worried about: Story writing, upkeep of this blog
Drinking: Water Last Watched: Disenchantment Mood: Feelin' Fine Last Read:

Peaks Of Being A Wallflower


Artist's Log #1: Okay, Let DO this (AGAIN!)

image from

Here Comes a Thot...

MMMGA! Yeah, I've tried this "artist's log" thing before, but back then I didn't really understand what I was doing (lol), and I didn't really have a good gauge on my focus. I don't know if its me being closer to 25 or me starting to read the bible that life is starting to make a little more sense. I'm starting to get less frustrated with myself, the way I think and understand stuff. I don't want to abandon this blog or any of my other project just because my focus is wacky,  I'm still trying to figure out how to come to a better balance of posts that are just me talking about the stuff I make and what's going on in my life and post that are more eassy/editorial-like (i.e reviews, first impressions, opinion pieces, etc).

I think I just need to go back into just enjoying stuff and actually watching more professional made or narrative stuff instead of just watching a bunch of reviews and video eases for stuff I'll prolly never watch or could have easily form my opinion about on my own. 

With post like this, I plan to just skim over what projects and stuff I've been obsessed  about lately, or more like mused about since I'm not really cool with using the word obsessed when I don't really mean it. I got this idea after looking through some peeps old DA journal post, back during the time when people actually read journal post and you could customize the background...yeah good times...good times.

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Art is patience, I guess

Eating: Cheese Cake

Listening to:Hotel Pool, 09:20PM // Mallsoft, Vaporwave Mix // Deep Sea Current

Playing:Baldur's Gate

Worried about:

 Taking art a BIT too seriously 

Drinking: Coconut Water Watching: Youtube Mood: Questioning Reading:  Beneath the Sugar Sky




    This morning I was working on another art thing, and I was trying to think up how long the art thing I was working on would take me, and if I could finish it (again, I try to finish my stuff in a day, which is impossible), and then I started to worry if I was behind on my art progress. It took moment for me to realize that this is A BIG worry for me as artist and as a person in general. When I was younger I was always given extra help since it took me longer to get certain subjects, and whenever it felt like I FINALLY understood a subject then it would be too late by then, and the whole class had already moved on to another subject. Or, When I would be taking a test in class, I would always be the last one to finish (even with extra time), and I WOULD HATE the feeling of being the last to finish the test (that's one of the only liminal spaces I don't like)...

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Art log 1: New beginning

image from

Today, my shipment of sketch books came in, I've been meaning to start a new sketchbook since I've kind of been in and out of an art block recently-- well not like a real art block where I can't make anything more like an art block where I feel like I have to keep making the same thing, so in response to that I bought some sketchbooks! Unlike my other sketchbook I want this one to be more of a visual journal or at least look visual interesting, I've filled up sketchbook before (PLENTLY of times) , they just never looked aesthetically pleasing they just looked like  a regular sketchbook, I was still proud of them like sketching wise, its always fun to look back my old work.

I remember when I discovered that sketchbook tour vids were a thing abd being surpised by how most of them were filled with full pages sketched/drawn up to the brim, how they used so many different colors and mediums, I just thought sketchbooks were for just sketching. I'm going to try to go easy on myself and try not to overthink stuff even though I never really overthink when starting a sketchbook. I never really understood the whole "DONT DRAW ON THE FiRST PAGE OF yOUR SKETcHBOOK:" thing I just drew whatever on my first page and just remember being really excited to start a sketchbook. 

Me being me I started to do some research on how to fill a sketchbook, but I did feel really weird asking how to fill a sketchbook because I feel like I should already know how to do this kind of stuff, but I guess it's never too late to learn new stuff I guess, I looked up some videos on youtube and most of them said the say general stuff that I already I had an idea for like drawing ocs, fanart, objects, figure drawing basically just drawing whatever lik eI usually do but there was a video that I found really helpful and interesting,..


These tips are the ones I found most helpful:

How To Fill Your Sketchbook 8-59 screenshotHow To Fill Your Sketchbook 8-59 screenshot

I want to document my journey in trying to fill this sketchbook on my blog, just to have something to look back on and to have something to post about on my blog, so hopefully I won't get too stressed out by this and it becomes a regular thing so...yeah