May 2023
I just found out that I can host long vids on here (oof, RIGHT?! I can be a little dumb sometimes, lol)
Food For Thought- Back To The Review....
Its been a min, I know, it was my birthday a few days ago, I turned 24 and for some reason 24 seems like a big number to me. I don't know why but it just does, lately I've been kind of bummed out how my life is going, not to say its going bad, its just not going in the direction I would like it too. I feel like in my early 20s I've taken on some not so great coping mechanisms that have kind of hindered me in enjoying stuff I did before, at least the same way I did before.
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Shop Talk- Blender and Hair
Been a min since I've been on here talking abt stuff, gonna try to change that oof!
Anyway, I've been learning how to make hair in blender, since I want to make hair for my OC models and models for characters I like whose models� I cant get thru downloading, so Imma just make myself.
Here's� the current WIP of me making Yaeka from Yakuza's Guide To Babysitting, I started with her since her hair was the easiest for me to understand, although I would like to make Vash and Prompto some time (curse me for liking scrawny� mf'ers with a cool complex hair style)...
I'm just testing this out to see how to looks...