On A Lighter Note....
Side Quests: Splatoon 3 and The first Splatfest

Food For Thought: Never Too Late To Start Again!

So, I think I'm going to call these posts for food thought because, you know that's a phrase, and I like to use pics and gifs of anime and cartoon food as the header so yeah. Anyway, I  was looking at this blog and kind of lamenting (to myself) about how I used to make more fun, interesting or informative posts, and it feels like I'm in a two-year runt of just self-loathing, and """depression""" but after looking through my blog archive, that proves not to be true. While yeah there were a few (I mean a lot) of sad hour posts, but every once in a while I would make a making of the post of some MMD stuff I was working on,  or talk about a movie I just watched, and that was really surprising to me.

I guess I've just been focusing on the negative, I've been doing that a lot lately. I would come up with ideas of stuff to blog about sometimes, then I would shoot that idea down because I always thought it was too late for me to post something, even though I KNOW good and well that there is NO ONE waiting in the wings for me to make a random post talking about random stuff. I think what changed is that the vibe of how approach this blog is different, I guess back when I first got this blog I got so excited that I would be able to talk about anything I want, whenever I wanted that I just ran with it all the way home, and somewhere along the way. Somewhere along the way I got hit with the BIG SAD ray, and I just wasn't feeling it anymore or I just became overly critical, I don't know the origin of how or WHEN that exactly happened and I'll prolly' never know, but that's fine. I don't think knowing about how I got the big sad is going to help me stop being so self-critical and so self-analytical---that's probably going to have the opposite effect if I'm being honest.

The most important thing for me to remember from this and always to remember is that it's never too late to start again. I recently watched Benjamin Button, (a movie  that I really enjoy and hope to talk about on here if I can remember oof), and one of the main themes or moral, if you can call it that, is that it's never too late to start over. I've been so absorbed in thinking about when I've should have done something instead of actually doing the thing, if that makes any sense.

From now, on I'm going to try not to put myself in an infinite loop of thinking and get stuck in thought paralysis all the time. If  I'm going to make a post about something I should take the time to watch, read, play the thing no matter how many times until I gather my thoughts enough to make a cool or funny or interesting post about it. I'm pretty sure one of the reasons I listed to why I started this blog is for me to share my thoughts and ideas about stuff, and I haven't been doing that lately, which is prolly why I've been kind of out of it lately.

But no more I want to get back to the vibe of posting stuff again, I'm not going to get mad at myself if I start to sad post again, its just something that happens sometimes and it hard to get back into the flow of things when you been out of it for a while. I think I'm going to make the next post about the upcoming sims summit or the results of the first spaltoon 3 splatfest/or just about splatoon 3 in gen, or a mini-review of this really cute cursor customizer thing I found in the extension store (that hopefully doesn't get taken over by malware oof)
