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May 2022

Dang, was I really that tough....

image from

So, I spent most of the day doing some introspection (my fave activity of course), I was up late last night thinking about stuff. I was thinking about how I feel like how I see myself doesn't really match up with how I'm actually am (if that makes any sense), like I feel like I'm super unproductive and that all my projects suck, and I dont really take time to post on my blog or make cool stuff for my neocities as often as I should. But then, I started to think about how every time I felt like that there would be someone who would look at my stuff and say "aye, that's pretty good", and this would happen both IRL and online.  This is something that always confused me, and its been happening alot at lately...

I started to think about my journal, since I journal alot, and then started to think about my blog (this blog), since I blog a lot or at least frequently. Just from thinking about it I started to notice how different my POV or voice was when I was in writing in my journal IRL and when I was writing stuff for my blog. I felt like I wasn't as sad post-y when I was blogging (hopefully) as I was when writing in my journal.

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