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November 2018

Artisy Update: Sims, Editing, Posing

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I feel bad that I've haven't been using this blog as often as I feel like I should (but it's not like anyone's watching) but I think I'm just going to make more post where I just talk about what I've been up to art-wise, since if I'm not posting on my blog I'm doing something artistic rather that be drawing, coming up with new characters/ideas, exploring Photoshop more by getting into graphic design (I guess), and just artsy fartsy stuff in gen.  I think it will help fill in the "dead air" here on this blog. 

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So currently, I've gotten back in the Sims (which I'll be hopefully doing a post soon about that and stuff) and I've started to delve into the more storytelling part of the game. While The Sims doesn't have an over-arching plot-line (on the surface at least) people can/do create their own stories and post them on the internet (like I would like to). When I played The Sims I never really got past the second generation because I didn't like the idea of my sims dying, or feeling sad/bad as a whole, so I would just play to try out the new stuff that would come out with every new expansion pack. I, myself never really thought about having stories until I saw people posting their stories on places like The Sims forums, Tumblr, Youtube, Blogger, and the like. What people also like to do with their story is use poses and edit their screenshots make the shot look more aesthetically friendly and to give the scene more emotion overall. 

So, because of that I've been getting back into 3D posing and photo editing, I used to do 3D posing back in the DA days with MMD (Miku Miku Dance ), a 3D program used for making poses, and make 3D animations. During that time, I was still trying to garner attention on the internet in the MMD community, I used to make models that weren't really that good especially compared to others on the site, it was hard to get good assets or props for scenes and characters because I didn't (and still) do not know how to make 3D stuff from nothing, and if you wanted to get the REAL good stuff you either had to have money or know Japanese. The community got to the point where Japanese users would only give downloads to other Japanese users and would not interact with foreign users (due to fact alot of them were thirsty 12 year olds who wanted their OC x canon ship to come true).There are still genuinely talented and creative people in the MMD community (like any community/fandom) it's just that the fangirls are very vocal majority.

Anyways, I got frustrated with MMD because I wouldn't have a certain prop for a certain scene or I couldn't get a specific background for a specific scene. So, I got fed up with it and just stop using MMD. Comparing that to posing in the Sims (via blender), it's alot easier in terms of have props/backgrounds and such to choose from. Posing in Blender was pretty similar to how it was in MMD, the only thing I got confused with is the interface.  I just hope I don't get to obsessed with making the scene perfect like in MMD, but  I can usually tell when I'm getting to obsessed and I can snap myself out of it. Like, there was one scene I envisioned where the character was eating cereal very enthusiastically because their a childish sim, but I couldn't find I bowl small enough to look like a convincing cereal bowl, and even when I did it crashed my game when I put it in. So, I'm just going to use the default eating cereal while watching tv pose already in-game.

As for editing, I've been watching videos specific for editing sims screenshots for storytelling and I think I've gotten pretty good at it. It's actually been pretty fun, and I think I'm starting to get (at least)   a basic understanding of lighting and shadows. Editing has also helped me to get more familiar with some of the tools in Photoshop, I've downloaded a bunch of cute gradients, patterns, and styles.  I'm starting to feel more confident in my skill using it.

That's pretty much all I wanted to talk about in this post, I also think these post will help me see the evaluation of my art or how my views on art changes, and seeing myself grasp concepts like shading and lightening. also I'm hoping to get at least one editorial  post out by the end of the year

Until next time....